Why Caesarean sections have gone up in Kerala?


Caesarean sections, or C-sections, have become increasingly common in Kerala over the past few decades. According to recent statistics, the C-section rate in Kerala has increased from 12% in 2005 to 25% in 2018. There are several reasons why C-sections have become more prevalent in Kerala.

Firstly, there has been a shift in maternal preferences towards C-sections. Many women in Kerala now opt for C-sections because they perceive them as a safer and more convenient option for delivery. They believe that C-sections are less painful and have a shorter recovery time than vaginal births. Additionally, many women feel that C-sections give them more control over the timing and manner of their delivery.

Secondly, there has been a significant increase in the number of private hospitals and clinics in Kerala over the past few decades. Private hospitals often promote C-sections as a more profitable option, as they require less time and resources than vaginal births. Private hospitals may also have higher rates of C-sections due to a lack of staff and resources for natural deliveries.

Thirdly, there has been a rise in the number of high-risk pregnancies in Kerala. Women who are older, have multiple pregnancies, or have medical conditions that increase the risk of complications during delivery may be advised to have a C-section. This has contributed to the overall increase in C-sections in the state.

Fourthly, there has been an increase in medical interventions during delivery, including the use of induction, epidurals, and fetal monitoring. These interventions can increase the likelihood of C-sections, particularly if complications arise.

Finally, there has been a lack of education and awareness about the risks and benefits of C-sections in Kerala. Many women may not be aware of the potential complications associated with C-sections, such as infection, bleeding, and longer hospital stays. They may also be unaware of the benefits of vaginal births, such as improved recovery time and reduced risk of respiratory problems for the baby.

Despite the increase in C-sections in Kerala, there are concerns about the overuse of this procedure. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a C-section rate of no more than 10-15% of all deliveries. The high rates of C-sections in Kerala may be contributing to a rise in maternal and neonatal mortality rates, as well as increasing healthcare costs.

In response to these concerns, the government of Kerala has taken steps to promote natural deliveries and reduce the rate of unnecessary C-sections. The state has launched several initiatives, including the promotion of natural childbirth in government hospitals, training programs for healthcare providers on the risks and benefits of C-sections, and public awareness campaigns about the benefits of natural deliveries.

In conclusion, the increase in C-sections in Kerala can be attributed to a combination of maternal preferences, the rise of private hospitals, high-risk pregnancies, medical interventions, and a lack of education and awareness about the risks and benefits of C-sections. While C-sections can be a safe and effective option for delivery, the high rates of this procedure in Kerala raise concerns about overuse and the need for better education and awareness about natural deliveries. The government's efforts to promote natural childbirth and reduce unnecessary C-sections are a step in the right direction towards improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes in the state.

Meitra Hospital in Kerala has state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly qualified obstetricians and gynecologists who are experienced in both vaginal and C-section deliveries. They prioritize the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby and ensure that C-sections are only performed when medically necessary. They also offer comprehensive postpartum care to ensure a smooth recovery for the mother and the newborn.